Metropolitan Disc Jockey & Special Event Lighting along with DJ Thrive (Nate Mobley) putting together this lighting for a wonderful event at Baron Bluff!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 | By: DJ Steve Metz
Metropolitan Disc Jockey & Special Event Lighting along with DJ Thrive (Nate Mobley) putting together this lighting for a wonderful event at Baron Bluff!
May 26, 2015, 12:36:48 PM
Steve Metz - Hello! That's 150 feet for the front porch at Baron Bluff so we offer that for $450 which includes all travel/labor/installation. If you'd like to run an addition string of lights around to the side porch that's another 100 feet so an additional $300. Most folks just do the front porch unless you plan to have tables outside on the side porch. Let us know if we can help!!
May 26, 2015, 12:13:35 PM
Leslie Whitfield - How many feet of lighting is hanging on the porch for this event?